Sound Art Gallery
Man Man Man
March-April, 2019

This composition explores the feeling of living in a “man’s world” and confronting toxic masculinity in daily life. It was created as part of the Concordia Sound Art Gallery Workshop in March and April 2019. The Concordia art object that I selected for this composition was intended as an elevator sign, found in the basement of the Hall Building. I happened to be recording with no intended subject when we (Piper, Tiana, and Antoine) happened upon the sign. I captured Tiana’s candid reaction to the sign, “man man man” said in a biting tone.

This caused me to reflect on the intention behind so many of the spaces we inhabit and the ways in which they are more or less welcome to people of different genders. Being in an overwhelmingly male field of study, I often feel out of place in a “man’s world.” It is easy to look around an electroacoustic classroom and think, “man man man.”

Concordia University | Electroacoustics | Piper Curtis

Piper Curtis 2024
Montreal, Quebec